UC Proposes Revised Policy on Supplement to Military Pay

The Policy on Supplement to Military Pay, which ended June 30, 2005, was extended through Aug. 31, 2005 by the UC Office of the President. Under the Policy on Supplement to Military Pay, the University compensates eligible employees for the difference between their University base pay and military pay and allowances and continues to pay the UC contribution to employees' health plan premiums while they receive their supplement to the military pay. Eligible employees under the policy are those who serve on active military duty during Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Iraqi Freedom, or any other active military duty as a result of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US. In addition, the following changes to the current policy, to be effective Sept. 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, are being proposed: • A two-year limit on benefits (supplemental pay and UC's contribution to health premiums) retroactive to Dec. 14, 2001, the policy's original starting date. • An employee currently receiving benefits under the policy that exceed two years in duration as of Sept. 1, 2005 would have his or her benefits terminated as of Aug. 31, 2005. • Employees called to active military duty after Aug. 31, 2005, would be eligible for benefits under the policy until the end of the employee's active military commitment or until June 30, 2006, whichever comes first. • An employee not eligible for the supplemental payments because his or her military pay exceeds their University wages would be eligible for UC's contribution to health premiums, subject to the two-year limit. To comment on the proposed policy, please email comments to Cynthia Lynch by Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2005. Implementation guidelines and extended military leave Q&A's reflecting the proposed extension and limitation will be posted here. Those who do not have access to this website can call Marie de Souza at 415/476-4574 to request a copy.