With the recent attacks to the public transportation system in London, the US Homeland Security Advisory system
threat level has been elevated to "
Orange" (High), for public transportation systems only.
While there is no information
that terrorists have targeted transportation or other facilities in the United States, the Department of Homeland Security
advises that all should be vigilant over the next several days. In response, UCSF Police recommends the following
security measures be implemented:
• Be aware of your surroundings. Report all suspicious activity and persons to UCSF Police at 9-911 (i.e. acting
suspicious or unusual behavior, persons taking photographs of critical facilities, asking detailed questions about
physical security or dressed inappropriately for weather conditions).
• Be aware of and report suspicious looking packages or objects to the UCSF Police. Review the
FBI advisory on
packages and letters.
• Assist our security efforts by wearing your UCSF ID badge. Don't hesitate to request identification of unknown
person(s) found in your work area.
Security Advisory System:
RED- Severe Risk of Terrorist
Orange- High Risk of Terrorist
Yellow- Significant Risk
of Terrorist Attack
Blue- General Risk of Terrorist
Green- Low Risk of Terrorist
• If you work in a building with "access control", do not open doors for people whom you do not know or who do
not have their ID. Refer them to the building lobby for screening.
• Take personal security
precautions (i.e. avoid high profile or symbolic locations, exercise caution when traveling,
and take additional precautions at public events). Trust your instincts.
• Review emergency preparedness plans (i.e. evacuation procedures, emergency exits in buildings you frequent).
• Become familiar with the symptoms of exposure to the various types of biological, radiological, and chemical
agents, and what action to take.
• Assemble and maintain a disaster supply kit (i.e. water, nonperishable food, battery powered radio, flashlight,
extra batteries and medications) for home and work. This can be the same kit you have for other emergencies.
Police Emergency:
UCSF Police (Non Emergency):
UCSF Investigations:
UCSF Crime Prevention: 476-5683
Hospital Security Services: 885-7890 |
For additional information, visit the
campus bio-terrorism website, and the
Security website.
-Pamela E. Roskowski
Chief of Police
UCSF Police