Elyse Foster
Elyse Foster, professor of clinical medicine in anesthesia at UCSF, is one of the speakers at a regional conference of the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (TSSUS) on Saturday.
The 2005 Western Regional Conference on Turner Syndrome is scheduled for from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., May 21 at the Marine's Memorial Club & Hotel, 609 Sutter St., San Francisco. A donation of $15 is requested to reserve a space.
Turner Syndrome (TS) is the most common chromosomal abnormality affecting women and girls. TS occurs when one of the two X chromosomes normally found in females is missing or contains certain structural defects.
The effects of TS vary widely depending on the severity of the chromosomal abnormality. The most common characteristics of TS individuals are short stature (average adult height 4'8") and infertility. Other affects may include congenital heart disease, type II diabetes, lessened bone growth, arm and finger distortions, obesity and nonverbal learning disabilities.
About one in 15 of all miscarriages are due to TS. Today, more than 71,500 women and girls live with TS in the United States. For more information about the conference, please call 800/365-9944.
TSSUS creates awareness, promotes research and provides support for all persons touched by Turner Syndrome. The organization has chapters and support groups nationwide.
Source: Turner Syndrome Society