Campus Hosts Finance Day on May 10

Faculty, staff and students are invited to learn more about University-sponsored programs, which can help them plan for their future economic security, on Finance Day on Tuesday, May 10. Finance Day is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Millberry Union Conference Center on the Parnassus campus. The format will be informal - providing employees an opportunity to meet UC staff and UC-sponsored vendors on a one-to-one basis, ask questions, attend any of the featured presentations and walk away with information and/or goodies (like a free rubber ducky) that might be available. Finance Day participants include UC Treasurer's Office, Social Security, Calvert Group, Fidelity Investments, American Home/AD&D, Liberty Mutual/Disability, Prudential/Life, World Savings/Home Loans, A+/California Casualty, The Golden 1 Credit Union, San Francisco Fire Credit Union, CalPERS/Long-term Care, Wells Fargo/Home Loans, UCSF Medical Center Human Resources/Benefits and UCSF campus Human Resources/Benefits. Featured presentations are as follows: • 11 a.m.: Long-term Care Insurance • noon: Looking Ahead to Retirement • 1 p.m.: An Overview of UC-Managed Funds