Campus Conducts Community Partnerships Survey

Second-year dental student Sonia Gupta explains to Fernanda Rodriguez, 5, the importance of brushing teeth after eating sugar during a free screening day at UCSF.
The survey is available online. We would like members of the UCSF community who are involved in partnerships with community-based organizations to complete the survey and tell us about their activities," said Washington. "The overall goal is to understand the scope and breadth of our involvement in communities and to strengthen and grow these partnerships." Community partnerships may include a spectrum of activities. Examples are providing clinical services in the community, placing residents, students and faculty in community settings for service learning opportunities, conducting community-based research, performing health education activities at schools or neighborhood agencies, and promoting job training and economic development. "Public service is part of the mission of UCSF. We cannot fully accomplish that mission without engaging in partnerships with the community," said Washington. "Right here in the Bay Area, we see tremendous disparities in health between different neighborhoods and population groups. In order for UCSF to play a more effective role in helping to eliminate these disparities, renewed efforts will be required to forge closer partnerships with organizations in disadvantaged communities." The survey offers an opportunity for campus members to highlight their community partnerships and share their successes in working with communities. Although UCSF is involved in many community partnerships, the campus has never systematically documented the extent and nature of these partnerships. Compiling an inventory of current partnerships will help to publicize the important work being performed, and inform campus plans for coordinating and promoting community partnerships. In addition to conducting the survey, the task force is reviewing models of university-community partnerships at other campuses to identify best practices. Following analysis of survey results, Washington will review recommendations from the task force for improving the success and impact of UCSF's engagement in community partnerships. Photo by Christine Jegan