UCSF Partners to Help Employees Access Tax Benefits
UCSF is again participating in an innovative program designed to help people earning under $36,000 with tax preparation and securing tax refunds. A workshop for interested UCSF employees will be held on Tuesday, March 1, from noon until 1 p.m. in Room S 157 of the Medical Sciences Building, 513 Parnassus Ave.
The "Earn It! Keep It! Save It!" program, a project of the Department of Human Resources and the UCSF Community Partnerships Program, covers three Bay Area counties and offers free tax preparation and assistance with filing for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). To qualify, family income for 2004 must be below $36,000. Program participants also may qualify for the EITC and be eligible for a tax refund of up to $4,300.
Applications and brochures in English, Spanish and Cantonese are available at San Francisco public libraries, H&R Block locations, Safeway stores and City Hall, Room 140 and Room 160. For more information, call 1-800/358-8832 or visit the website about where to go in counties outside San Francisco. Another website has a complete list of application and tax preparation sites in San Francisco. Information is also on the Human Resources website.
Earn It! Keep It! Save It!" also connects tax filers to financial education classes and opportunities to make the most of a tax refund. Classes are in a variety of languages and range from car-buying assistance to budgeting to how to buy your first home. For more information, call SF EARN at 415/217-3664.