UCSF events for August 2004

By Erica Holt

## Exhibits

## August 1—20
ART EXHIBIT AT UCSF FACULTY ALUMNI HOUSE: An exhibit of photos by Jonathan Vlahos, a UCSF medical student. Open weekdays by appointment. 745 Parnassus Ave. (415) 476-4723.

## Lectures and Learning

## Thursday, August 12
SPIRITUALITY IN MEDICINE: A noontime lecture presented by Sylver Quevedo, MD, MPH. Noon. Bring a lunch. Free. The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at UCSF, 1701 Divisadero Street, Suite 150, San Francisco. (415) 353-7700. www.ucsf.edu/ocim.

## Tuesday, August 17
HEREDITARY ASPECTS OF BREAST AND OVARIAN CANCER: Learn about breast and ovarian cancer risk factors and guidelines for early detection. 5:30 p.m. Free. Pre-enrollment required. UCSF Mount Zion Medical Center, 2340 Sutter St., Lurie Seminar Rm, San Francisco. (415) 885-7779.

## Classes and Courses

## Thursdays, August 5—26
ASK THE PHARMACIST!: Weekly drop-in with pharmaceutical expert Zoe Ngo, PharmD. Cancer patients can stop by to discuss current drug therapies, drug interactions, side-effects management, herbal medications, and online resources. Free. 2 p.m. UCSF Cancer Resource Center, 1600 Divisadero Street, San Francisco. jmugge@cc.ucsf.edu.

## Monday, August 16
NUTRITION SEMINAR: POPULAR DIETS: Learn to separate the fat from the fiction on several popular carbohydrate-restricting diets, including: the Atkin’s Diet, the South Beach Diet, and the Zone. 4 p.m. The UCSF Ida & Joseph Friend Cancer Resource Center, 1600 Divisadero St., Herbst Auditorium, San Francisco.  For more information or to RSVP, call (415) 885-3693.

## Tuesday, August 24
PROSTATE AND NUTRITION: Learn about the latest prostate cancer research and how to better meet your nutritional needs. 4 p.m. UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1600 Divisadero St., 3rd flr, San Francisco. For more information or to RSVP, call (415) 885-3693.