Kids "battle" cancer at launch of "Ben's Game"
UCSF Children’s Hospital and the Greater Bay Area Make-A-Wish Foundation® partner with Eric Johnston of LucasArts to launch “Ben’s Game” at
Kids can “battle” cancer with a free computer game, the “wish” of nine year old leukemia patient Ben Duskin of Greenbrae, California.
## Who: The Greater Bay Area Make-A-Wish Foundation®, UCSF Children’s Hospital physicians and staff
## What: The UCSF Children’s Hospital ‘Premiere” of “Ben’s Game”—a new computer game that battles cancer cells.
## When: Tuesday, June 29 11:00 am
## Where: UCSF Children’s Hospital Pediatric Treatment Center, 400 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, 1st Floor
## Websites:,
## The Story:
Ben Duskin, nine years old, is in remission from leukemia. Throughout his course of treatment at UCSF Children’s Hospital, Ben played computer games and began to think about the need to have something positive to help others kids battle their illnesses. Ben asked Make-A-Wish to help him design a video game that would help kids like him with cancer find a way to fight back and relieve some of the pain and stress involved with treatment. Eric Johnston of LucasFilm volunteered to help and they created the game together.
At 11 am, on Tuesday, June 29 at the Pediatric Treatment Center at San Francisco’s UCSF Children’s Hospital, the latest version of “Ben’s Game” will be unveiled and made available to young patients currently receiving treatment at the Parnassus Avenue facility.
## Additional contact:
Source: Make-A-Wish:
David Perry & Associates (415) 693-0583 cell: (415) 412-2496