"Harnessing the Immune System" is topic of April 14 UCSF Mini-Med lecture
* WHAT: Abus Abbas, MD, professor and chair of pathology at UCSF, speaks on “Allergy, Autoimmune Disease and Vaccines: Harnessing the Immune System” at the fifth lecture of the UCSF Mini Medical School, a six-week series for the public continuing through April 21.
* WHO: Abbas is internationally recognized for his research on cell interactions in the immune system and diseases of the immune system. His research focuses on activation and tolerance of T lymphocytes, the immune cells that include CD4+ T cells which recruit other cells in the immune army. He is particularly interested in understanding the natural controls of the immune response in order to reduce the likelihood of autoimmunity in diabetes and other diseases.
* WHEN: Wednesday, April 14, 7:00 to 9:00 pm (one-hour lecture and Q and A).
## UCSF Mini Medical School
UCSF Mini Medical School VI is open to the general public and designed for people who want to learn more about science and the intricate workings of the human body. In addition to allergies, vaccines and the immune system, the series includes sessions on children’s heart defects, diabetes, children’s cancer, maternal-fetal surgery and pain.
## Tickets and Registration:
Tuition for one Mini Medical School session is $15. On the evening of the event, registration in the 513 Parnassus lobby begins at 6:00 pm. For more information, call UCSF Public Affairs at (415) 476-2557 or email sgettys@pubaff.ucsf.edu.
## Note for Reporters and Editors:
For interviews with Dr. Abbas or to cover the event, contact Wallace Ravven, UCSF News Services, phone: 476-2557, pager: 719-4077.