UCSF events for October and November, 2002

For more information, visit the UCSF Calendar website: http://calendar.ucsf.edu/

## Mission Bay Tours

Mission Bay Tours Sign-up for tours of the site where UCSF is building its new 43-acre campus.  Visitors also stop at the Catellus Mission Bay Visitors Center located at 255 Channel St. where they can view plans for the revitalization of the entire 303-acre neighborhood.  Tours begin at 12 noon and end about 1:30 pm at the UCSF library, 530 Parnassus Ave. on the 3rd Thursday of each month.  The tours are scheduled for October 17 and November 21.  Call in advance for reservations: (415) 476-6547.

## Events

* Tuesday, October 1-Friday, November 29 Faculty Alumni House presents an art exhibit of paintings by Darril Tighe, a renowned Oakland painter, at 745 Parnassus Ave.  The exhibit features watercolors, inks and goaches on paper.  For more information, call (415) 476-4723.

* Tuesday, October 1- Tuesday, December 31 First Laurel Heights Art Exhibit Showcase
on display daily from 8 am-5 pm on Sub Level 1 at 3333 California St.  The exhibit features the talents of Laurel Heights’ faculty and staff, and is a rotating show designed to feature unique and diverse art work.  For more information, call (415) 476-2675 or email rmangio@casmail.ucsf.edu.

* Wednesday, October 9 The UCSF Blood Center is having a blood drive from 11 am - 3:30 pm at the Laurel Heights campus, 3333 California St., in the Chancellor’s Conference Room. For more information, call (415) 353-8789 or visit the website: http: /pangloss.ucsfmedicalcenter. org/bloodcenters/ bchomepage.htm.

* Thursday, October 10 The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine offers a free educational program on “Understanding Ayurveda:  Ancient Medicine for Contemporary Living” with Reenita Malhotra and Ayur Virashad.  The program will be held from 12 noon to 1 pm at 1701 Divisadero (cross street Sutter), Suite 150.

* Monday, October 14 The Center for Health Profession celebrates its 10th anniversary with a symposium:  “The Next Ten Years:  Healthcare’s Shifting Workforce Landscape” at the Laurel Heights Conference Center, 3333 California St.  The conference (from 8 am-4:30 pm) features presentations and discussions on critical health care issues in the strategic areas of aging, community, diversity, leadership and health professions.  A reception is scheduled from 5-7 pm.  Cost is $35, and includes breakfast and lunch.  For more information, contact Janet Tsao (415) 476-8290 or visit the website:  http://futurehealth.ucsf.edu/10thAnniversary.html.

* Wednesday, October 16 The Center for Gender Equity presents a free lecture from 6-9 pm, location to be announced, on “Taking the War Out of Our Words.”  Sharon Ellison will discuss how to ask questions that prompt others to answer sincerely, state opinions, give feedback with honesty and confidence, and set clear limits for others to respond with respect.  For more information, call (415) 476-5222 or email vauer@genderequity.ucsf.edu.

* Thursday, October 17 and Wednesday, October 23 The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine offers free information sessions from 6:30-9 pm on “Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction” at 1701 Divisadero Suite 150.  Learn more about relaxation exercises, meditation and mindful movement as well as developing inner resources for healing.  Classes will take place on Wednesdays, October 30 through December 18, with an all-day session on Saturday, December 7.  Cost is $300 for the classes with a discount for all UCSF faculty, staff and students.  Instructor is Kevin Barrows, MD.  For more information, call (415) 353-7718.

* Saturday, October 19 The UCSF Center for Science Education and Outreach plans “Go UC”, an event for high school senior and their parents from the San Francisco and Daly City school districts.  The program begins with check-in at 9 am, and continues with workshops from 10 am - 2 pm at 513 Parnassus Ave.  Pre-registration is required; forms are available at all San Francisco Unified and Jefferson Union high schools or by visiting the website http://student.ucsf.edu/ucforyou.  Students and their parents will be able to talk with representatives from all 10 UC campuses about financial aid, applications and personal statements, transfer information and scholarships.  For more information, call (415) 514-2132.

* Thursday, October 24 The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine offers a free educational program on “Spirituality in Medicine:  Its Role in Health and Healing” with Ellen Hughes, MD, PhD. The program will be held from 12 noon to 1 pm at 1701 Divisadero (cross street Sutter), Suite 150.

* Friday, October 25 Academic Senate’s 2nd Annual Clinical Research Lecture.  Neal L. Benowitz, MD, UCSF chief of the division of clinical pharmacology and vice chair of the department of biopharmaceutical sciences, will present this year’s distinguished clinical research lecture at 3:30 pm in Cole Hall, 513 Parnassus Ave.

* Tuesday, October 29 The UCSF Center for Gender Equity presents “Escape from Mars and Venus, or Planet Earth:  Women and Men in the New Millennium” from noon -1 pm, N217, 513 Parnassus Ave.  Michael Kimmel, PhD, will discuss how male-female relationships changed in the past quarter center.  Co-sponsored with the Student Activity Center.

* Wednesday, November 13 The UCSF Gospel Choir will present its annual Fall concert at 6:30 pm in Cole Hall, 513 Parnassus Ave.  Tickets:  $5.  Call (415) 476-2675 for more information.

* Wednesday, November 13 The UCSF Blood Center is having a blood drive from 10 am - 2:30 pm at the Mission Center, 855 Folsom St.  For more information, call (415) 353-8789 or visit the website: http: /pangloss.ucsfmedicalcenter. org/bloodcenters/ bchomepage.htm.

* Thursday, November 14 The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine offers a free educational program on “Somatic Awareness:  Body as Teacher, Body as Self” with Jan Mundo, CMT, CMSC. The program will be held from 12 noon to 1 pm at 1701 Divisadero (cross street Sutter), Suite 150.

* Monday through Friday, November 18-22 The 14th Annual Faculty and Staff Art Show.  This creative exhibit will have a preview reception Monday, November 18 from 4-6 pm in Millberry Conference Center at 500 Parnassus Ave.  Then it will be open to the public from 10 am - 6 pm (November 19-21) and from 10 am -2 pm on November 22. This event is free.  For more information, call (415) 476-2675.

## Lectures

* The following Brown Bag Lectures are free and sponsored by UCSF Public Service Programs.  For more information, call (415) 476-6547.

* Wednesday, October 2 Sharon Ellison, author and award winner speaker, presents “Powerful Non-Defensive Communication: Building Professional Success.”  Ellison offers help to enhance your professional performance by speaking with non-defensive clarity and power.  It is co-sponsored with the Center for Gender Equity.  The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm in HSW 300, 513 Parnassus Ave.

* Tuesday, October 8 Jan Mundo, CMT, CMSC, UCSF massage and somatic therapist with the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, presents “Transforming Headaches.”  Mundo, a headache specialist, discusses ten ways to manage headaches naturally.  The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm at UCSF Mount Zion, 1600 Divisadero St., Herbst Hall, 2nd Fl.

* Wednesday, October 9 Randal Rowland, MS, DMS, UCSF professor of clinical periodontistry and director of postgraduate periodontology, presents “Keeping Your Teeth for a Lifetime.”  Rowland, a member of the department of stomatology in the School of Dentistry, will discuss how to keep your teeth healthy and free from periodontal disease.  The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm in HSW 300, 513 Parnassus Ave.

* Wednesday, October 16 Michael McDermott, MD, UCSF associate professor and vice chair of neurosurgery and associate professor of radiation oncology, presents “Gamma Knife Radiosurgery: Past, Present, Future.”  The audience learns about the new Gamma Knife Model C and its treatment for brain tumors, vascular malformations and trigeminal neuralgia. The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm in HSW 300, 513 Parnassus Ave.

*Tuesday, October 22 Laura Esserman, MD, Director of the Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center and UCSF associate professor of surgery and radiology, presents “Frontiers in Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment.”  Esserman presents new methods for the treatment of breast cancer and how to minimize the risk for the disease.  The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm at UCSF Mount Zion, 1600 Divisadero St., Herbst Hall, 2nd Fl.

* Wednesday, October 23 Paula Braveman, MD, MPH, UCSF professor of family and community medicine, presents “Dispelling Misconceptions about Race and Socioeconomic Status (SES) in Research and Clinical Practice.”  Braveman talks about the way health-care providers and health researchers typically think about race and socioeconomic status (SES) and some appropriate ways to think about and measure SES.  The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm in HSW 300, 513 Parnassus Ave.

* Wednesday, October 30 Steven L. McIntire, MD, PhD,  UCSF assistant professor of neurology, presents “Alcohol and Alcoholism.” McIntire, a member of the Program in Biological Sciences at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center, discusses the molecular mechanisms responsible for ethanol intoxication. The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm in HSW 300, 513 Parnassus Ave.

* Wednesday, November 6 Joseph Acquah, LAC, OMD, acupuncturist at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, presents “Self-Help Acupuncture:  Symptom Relief at Your Fingertips.” Acquah will explain how to stop headaches, stomach aches, cramps and other troubling symptoms by applying pressure to the correct areas of the body. The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm in HSW 300, 513 Parnassus Ave.

* Tuesday, November 12 Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD, PhD, UCSF clinical professor medicine, UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCSF Mount Zion, presents “You’re Not Alone.”  The talk includes practical advice for maintaining quality of life while living with cancer, including knowledge, good medical care, symptoms of strategies, psychological and emotional support.  The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm at UCSF Mount Zion, 1600 Divisadero St., Herbst Hall, 2nd Fl.

* Wednesday, November 13 Cathi Dennehy, PharmD, UCSF assistant clinical professor of pharmacy, presents “Hormone Replacement Therapy:  Making an Informed Decision.”  Dennehy reviews the latest research regarding the risks and benefits of short term (1-3 years) and long term (more than 3 years) replacement therapy.  She also discusses differences among hormonal formulations (oral pills, transdermal patches, vaginal creams and vaginal tablets). The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm in HSW 300, 513 Parnassus Ave.

* Wednesday, November 20 Ruby Ghadially, MD, UCSF associate professor of dermatology, presents “Saving Your Skin.”  Ghadially will discuss what happens to skin as it ages, clinically and under the microscope.  Anti-aging creams available and evidence that they work will be included. The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm in HSW 300, 513 Parnassus Ave.

* Tuesday, November 26 Judith Walsh, MD, MPH, UCSF associate professor of clinical medicine, presents “Healthy Aging in Women.”  Walsh discusses the roles of exercise and diet, the potential role of some medications in maintaining health and what screening tests women of various ages should undergo. The program takes place from 12:10 - 1 pm at UCSF Mount Zion, 1600 Divisadero St., Herbst Hall, 2nd Fl.

* Wednesday, November 27   No lecture scheduled.

## UCSF Cancer Resource Center Seminars and Workshops

## Voices of Healing

Catherine Costello, MFT
Dates: October 14
Time:  6:30-8:30 pm
Place:  2200 Post St., 1st Floor, Hellman Conference Room

* Free class at The Cancer Resource Center at UCSF Mount Zion
* Focuses beyond just coping with illness to the larger practice of healing
* Inclusive group for those with current and past illnesses and support people
* For more information, contact Catherine Costello at (415) 285-5781.

## Prepare for Surgery Workshops

Teresa Corrigan, RN, MA
Dates: October 14 and November 11
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Place: UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1600 Divisadero St., Room H-3906

* Patients undergoing a surgical procedure can prepare for an upcoming surgery by learning mind-body techniques
* Past participants say that they were more relaxed and calm prior to surgery, required less pain medication, and were up and about sooner
*  To register, call the Cancer Resource Center at (415) 885-3693.

## Nutrition and Prostrate Cancer

Natalie Lagomarcino, MS, RD
Dates: Fourth Tuesday of each month
Time:  4-6 pm
Place: 1600 Divisadero St., 3rd Fl. conference room

* The latest research about nutrition for prostrate cancer patients
* For more information or reservations, call (415) 885-3693.

##Smoking Cessation and Relapse Prevention

Paul Brunetta, MD
Dates:  Mondays, November 4, 11, 18 and 25
Time:  5:30-7 pm
Place: 1600 Divisadero St., 5th Floor, B524

* Interactive course focusing on smoking and health
* Addiction
* Strategies for quitting
* Motivation
* Initial $50 registration fee returned after 12 months of being smoke-free
* CO levels checked free of charge to determine success at quitting.
* For more information, call (415) 885-3693.

## Healing Through Dance

Anne Krantz, PhD
Dates:  Tuesdays
Time:  11am - 12:30 pm
Place:  2200 Post St., Cardiac Care Gym

* Participants use movement, expression, imagery and creativity to facilitate healing
* Learn techniques to deal with tension, enhance relaxation and cope with medical procedures and physical limitations.
* Not necessary to have a dance or movement background.
* For more information, call (415) 885-3693.

## Vision Correction Seminars

“Better Vision Now” New surgery options for correction of nearsightedness and astigmatism - from laser surgery to corneal implants. 6 pm to 7 pm.  Free. Room
K-302, Koret Research Laboratory, 10 Kirkham St.  For more information or reservations, call (415) 476-2561.  Beginning July 1, 2002 the Vision Correction Seminars will be held bi-weekly.

* Monday, October 14
Stephen D. McLeod, MD, assistant professor of clinical ophthalmology

* Monday, October 28
David G. Hwang, MD, professor of clinical ophthalmology

November seminars to be announced.