Project Overview
The building will contain The Center for Vision Neurosciences, including ophthalmology research, teaching and office support, and clinical space. In addition, the new building will provide academic and administrative office space (including desktop research and computational labs) for various UCSF units currently distributed across multiple sites. The new building will be located on Mission Bay Block 33, at the southeast corner of 16th Street and 3rd Street, at UCSF Campus Mission Bay East.
Design: September 2016 – May 2017
Anticipated Construction: June 2017 – late 2019
Occupancy: late 2019

Community Involvement
Meetings with the Community
November 7, 2017
Project Update for Community Members
November 7, 2016
Proposed Building Design Presentation for Community Members
Ellie Rossiter
Executive Director, Community Relations & Strategic Partnerships
Community & Government Relations
University of California, San Francisco
490 Illinois Street, Floor 11, Box 0462 | San Francisco, CA 94143
tel: 415/699-0501
Email: [email protected]
Community & Government Relations Projects
UCSF is engaged in a variety of ongoing projects designed to enhance the campus and medical center, and better serve both patients and the greater community.
When we embark on any project, planning always includes engagement with the local community.