UCSF's Resource Allocation Program (RAP) Seeks Applications for Spring Cycle
UCSF’s Resource Allocation Program (RAP), which incorporates a single online application for 29 different grant mechanisms, is now requesting applications for the Spring 2013 cycle.
The electronic submission deadline is Monday, Feb. 25, at 2 p.m.

Gretchen Kiser, PhD
“The funding rate for applications utilizing the RAP process is unheard of in today’s funding environment – about 50 percent,” explains Gretchen Kiser, PhD, the director of the recently created Research Development Office, in which RAP resides. With such a potential for research funding, “all UCSF researchers should take a look at the Spring cycle opportunities.”
Through a collaborative effort among UCSF intramural funding agencies, RAP facilitates the dissemination, submission, review and award of intramural research funding opportunities on campus. The program promotes research in the following disciplines: Basic Sciences, Clinical and Translational Sciences, Population Sciences.
A total of nearly $2.5 million was distributed to UCSF researchers during the Fall 2012 cycle.
New For the Spring 2013 Cycle
- The Cancer Center-Cancer Center Support Grant (CC-CCSG) joins RAP this cycle as a new funder sponsoring two existing grant mechanisms, the Pilot for Junior Investigators and the Pilot for Established Investigators. The CC-CCSG provides seed funding to encourage innovative cancer-related research in a wide range of research areas, including basic science, clinical and translational science, health policy and social science, and population sciences. Priority is given to translational science and to areas that are generally under-represented, such as population sciences. This program supports novel cancer research initiatives that are not currently funded by research grants and that may ultimately lead to new ways of preventing, detecting or treating cancer. Emphasis is placed on innovative projects, and applicants must be Cancer Center Members or Associate Members.
- The Pilot for Established Investigators in Basic and Clinical/Translational Sciences grant mechanism is now sponsored by three different funding agencies, CTSI-SOS, REAC and the Academic Senate.
- The CTSI Annual Pilot Awards to Improve the Conduct of Research – an "Open Proposal" Opportunity is once again promoted on the RAP website but it is managed by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). This opportunity is open to faculty and staff, and will be administered through UCSF Open Proposals.
- Extra Funds Available for Eye Research are available through the Ryan Endowment Fund to fund eye research. Thanks to this fund, proposals in this area will continue to be funded by the Academic Senate at $50,000.
- The Asian Health Institute (AHI) will fund one Asian Health Pilot Grant ($25,000) on research relevant to Asian American populations and health or healthcare issues known to substantially impact Asian Americans.
CTSI Awards 23 Faculty Through RAP
UCSF’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute awarded more than a half-million dollars through RAP during the Fall 2012 cycle to 23 faculty members.
The award is designed to catalyze research and career development activities in clinical and translational science. Of the awards, 19 were offered by the Strategic Opportunities Support (SOS) program and four offered by the Clinical Research Services program.
Although applicants choose the most appropriate grant mechanism for submission through RAP, each application is considered simultaneously by multiple funding agencies, thus enhancing the likelihood of support for a proposal. The funding agencies select and fund proposals that best fulfill programmatic criteria.
Most applications submitted through RAP will be reviewed by one of the 10 review committees organized by subject area and composed of faculty experts.
Applications submitted to the following grant mechanisms, however, are reviewed independently of the RAP review process: Catalyst Awards, Core Exploratory, CRS Pilot, Pilot Diabetes, and Pilot Obesity.
All programs on campus are welcome to use RAP to coordinate their funding opportunities. RAP currently offers the flexibility to be utilized in the following three different modules:
- Submission and review of proposals
- Submission only, with review handled independently
- Promotion of funding opportunities
The RAP website contains information and resources useful in preparing a RAP grant submission. To learn eligibility criteria visit http://rap.ucsf.edu/grants/.
For questions, contact Emanuela "Emy" Volpe via email or via phone, (415) 502-1674.
RAP's Participating Funding Agencies
• Academic Senate
• AIDS Research Institute (ARI)
• Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC)
• Asian Health Institute (AHI)
• Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Strategic Opportunities Support (CTSI-SOS)
• Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center (DERC NIDDK)
• Gladstone Institute of Virology & Immunology Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
• Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cancer Center Support Grant (CC-CCSG)
• Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Mount Zion Health Fund (CC-MZHF)
• National Center of Excellence in Women's Health (NCEWH)
• Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, Mount Zion Health Fund
• Research Evaluation and Allocation Committee of the School of Medicine (REAC)
• Research Resource Program (RRP)