UCSF Celebrates National Mentoring Month 2012 in Honor of Late Kevin Mack

Kevin Mack, MD, MS
Members of the UCSF community are invited to celebrate National Mentoring Month in January 2012 in honor of Kevin Mack, MD, MS, a beloved educator and mentor who died on July 14, 2011, in a UCSF shuttle bus accident in San Francisco’s Hayes Valley.
Mack, a faculty member with joint appointments at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health and the UCSF Department of Psychiatry, served as one of the advisory college mentors in the UCSF School of Medicine and as the director of Educational Technology in the UCSF-Berkeley Joint Medical Program.
All members of the campus community are invited to attend and are encouraged to register by visiting the Academic Affairs website. This presentation will be video streamed and available for live viewing. A link of the video be posted on the UCSF website in January.
National Mentoring Month highlights mentoring of all kinds and the positive impact it can have on the next generation. As a highly acclaimed mentor to both students and colleagues, the UCSF Faculty Mentoring Program deemed that this year’s National Mentoring Month activities be held in honor of Mack.
Helen Loeser, MD, MSc, a professor of clinical medicine, and Amin Azzam, MD, MA, will present an inaugural lecture, titled “Mentoring of Value: Inspiration from Kevin Mack, MD, MS,” on Monday, Jan. 9, 2012, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in the Nursing Building, room N 225, on the UCSF Parnassus campus.
Amin Azzam, MD, MA, an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry who was a close colleague of Mack’s, will open the discussion with his reflections on the lasting influence of his friend as a great mentor.
“Dr. Kevin Mack’s mentorship of me has been a model of the kind of mentor I would like to be to my mentees — someone who warmly shares his own career successes and challenges, generously opens his home, and graciously discloses the challenges of balancing one’s professional and personal spheres,” Azzam says. “He has anticipated my future challenges — offering sage solutions before I even realized the problem would be coming up. Without his guidance I would not have appreciated that it is indeed possible to find the right mix of professional activities to wake up eager to go to work every day!”
Loeser will lead an interactive presentation on the value of mentoring. Drawing from the inspiration of Mack, this session will provide for lively discussion and participation.
More Mentoring Month Events
The UCSF Faculty Mentoring Program, led by interim director William Shore, MD, is making an effort to showcase various mentoring programs, resources and support that are readily available to all faculty at UCSF. More events that promote mentoring and faculty development will be offered throughout January, including such titles as:
- “Mentor Training Workshop: Teaching Observation Program,” presented by Katherine Hyland, PhD, and Kathleen Land of the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators, of which Mack was a member.
- “Speed Mentoring for Postdocs,” sponsored by UCSF Postdoc Office/Graduate Division.
- “Coaching for Clinician Educators: Perspectives from the Coaches and the Players,” presented by a panel of distinguished faculty that includes Tina Brock, BSPharm, MSPH, EdD, Barbara J. Burgel, RN, PhD, FAAN, H. Carrie Chen, MD, MSEd, Peter Loomer, DDS, PhD, and Renee Navarro, PharmD, MD.
- “Resources for Mentoring: CTSI Mentor Development Program (MDP) at UCSF,” presented by Jeanette S. Brown, MD, professor and director, UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute Comprehensive Mentoring Program.
For more detailed information about these and other National Mentoring Month events or to register for a workshop, please go to the Academic Affairs website.
UCSF Faculty Mentoring Program
Responding to the results from the Faculty Climate Survey, the UCSF Faculty Mentoring Program was established in 2006 with the goals of supporting the recruitment and retention of the highest quality faculty, increasing faculty diversity through improved mentoring of under-represented faculty and improving faculty career satisfaction and success.
Mitchell D. Feldman, MD, MPhil, was appointed director of the Faculty Mentoring Program, and is working closely with the Chancellor’s Council on Faculty Life to establish and oversee a mentoring program for all UCSF faculty, across all schools. The program aims to support faculty in their pursuit of a successful and satisfying career at UCSF.
For more detailed information about Faculty Mentoring Program, please go to the Academic Affairs website.
Photo by J. Paschal