Community Advisory Group

The Mission of the Community Advisory Group (CAG) is to (1) to serve as a community advisory body and sounding board for UCSF administration on planning issues, based on both a neighborhood and a city-wide perspective; (2) assist UCSF in strengthening communication with and engagement of the public on broader issues of community concern; (3) provide essential and relevant feedback on programs, campus planning and development activities; and (4) identify strategies and actions for addressing community concerns.

UCSF Goals for the CAG:

UCSF strives to ensure a diverse, representative and dedicated membership on the CAG with an organizational structure that promotes engagement.  The CAG should represent independent voices and perspectives; represent the diversity of San Francisco; embody varied points of view, including critics; and bring the viewpoints of various and particular constituencies to the table, while keeping in mind a city-wide perspective.

CAG Responsibilities:

  • Review and discuss prospective plans and goals
  • Facilitate the public's access to UCSF by serving as a community access point to  UCSF on issues of concern
  • Inform constituents about Community Advisory Group activities
  • Inform UCSF of potential community issues
  • Assist in problem-solving when community concerns arise
  • Reach out to critics and engage them in the process to ensure that they have adequate information and that UCSF hears their point of view

CAG Operating Principles:

  • Transparency:  UCSF staff and CAG members will share relevant information to facilitate productive discussion.
  • Accessibility:  Meetings will be scheduled and materials developed to enhance availability and ensure equal opportunities for participation.
  • Equal Participation:  All participants will provide each other the opportunity to engage in a balanced dialogue and will minimize domination of discussion and allow others to speak.
  • Respectful Interaction:  All participants will show courtesy, honesty and respect towards each other.